To contact and set up an appointment for a consultation with the Law Offices of Omar Baloch, please call us at one of the numbers listed below:
Raleigh, NCTel: 919/834.3535 |
McLean, VATel: 703/584.7730 |
The Raleigh office of The Law Offices of Omar Baloch, PLLC is located off of Westgate Road, near the Brier Creek shopping district. The physical office address is:
All mail should be sent to the Raleigh office. The mailing address for the Law Offices of Omar Baloch is:
Raleigh, NC
8801 Fast Park Drive
Suite 313
Raleigh, NC 27617
The Herndon, VA office of the Law Offices of Omar Baloch, PLLC is located near the Dulles Park Shopping Center. The physical office address is:
McLean, VA
7926 Jones Branch Dr, Suite 600
McLean, VA 22102
All mail should be sent to the Raleigh office. The mailing address for the Law Offices of Omar Baloch is:
The Law Offices of Omar Baloch PLLC
8801 Fast Park Drive
Suite 313
Raleigh, NC 27617